My Music
Below is a selection of my solo recording work. The selection includes original music composed by me, cover versions, parodies, and rearrangements. They are presented in reverse chronological order, with the most recent recordings first.

Type: Interpretation
Cover version of the original track by Kraftwerk, written by Ralf Hütter and Florian Schneider, and released on the 1975 album Kraftwerk album Radio-Aktivität/Radio-Activity.
I did think I was done with the Kraftwerk tracks, but this is another with too good a melody to resist.
On this occasion, I could conceive a soft, warm arrangement of what is a track which has classical overtones to my ears.
I also added a carillon version of "Merck toch hoe sterck" to the start of the track, giving a nod to a childhood memory of my dad's fondness for listening to short wave radio and between the crackles and static sound, I remember the repeating carillon call tune of Radio Hilversum and the strange, exotic voices which emanated from his beloved transistor radio.
Recorded in Cubase, triggering multiple VST instrument plug-ins… including the carillon. It's not a recording of Hilversum.
Photo by Grok.